5 things to do after installing Lubuntu 16.04

Some people just asked me what to do after installing a brand new lubuntu 16.04 (fresh install), so i decided to make this quick guide of th... thumbnail 1 summary

Some people just asked me what to do after installing a brand new lubuntu 16.04 (fresh install), so i decided to make this quick guide of things that you should do after installing lubuntu 16.04.

Here's the list of things to do after installing lubuntu 16.04 xenial xerus

1. enable canonical partners repository
By enabling the canonical partners repository you will get some programs that's only available there, you can enable the canonical partners repo by opening the software & updates, lubuntu start menu > Preferences > Software & updates. 

Click on tab 'Other Software' and make sure the 'Canonical Partners' option is checked and then click 'Close' button. Click 'reload' if you getting pop-up that says 'The information about available software is out-of-date'.

2. run apt-get update command
Open your lubuntu terminal/ console/ command line (press CTRL + ALT + T) and then run the apt-get update command:

sudo apt-get update

3. install lubuntu-restricted-extras package
Next, installing lubuntu-restricted-extras package is a good idea, this package contains video and audio codecs and some other useful features.

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras

4. install adobe flash player plugin
If you use firefox web browser or other browser that doesn't have built in flash player, you should install adobe flash player plugin then, i believe this package only available after you enable the canonical partners repository.

sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin

5. install google chrome browser
Google chrome is an excellent web browser, you might want to install this on your lubuntu 16.04 even though you already have firefox, read my previous article about how to install google chrome on lubuntu 16.04.

That's five things that you should do after installing lubuntu 16.04, do you think it's enough or maybe you have better suggestion, why not share it on the comment below.

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