Lubuntu 16.04 does comes with pre-installed web browser which is mozilla firefox, but if you prefer to use google chrome, you can install chrome on lubuntu 16.04.
The mozilla firefox on lubuntu 16.04 have been improve over the previous version, it is fast and secure, but still if you need more than one browser or you just simply love google chrome, why not?
To install google chrome on lubuntu 16.04 you can't do it with apt-get command, google chrome is maintain by google itself, therefore it is not available on the lubuntu/ubuntu repository.
The one that's on repo is chromium browser, which could be totally different from the proprietary chrome. Chromium is the open source version and chrome is the proprietary version (closed source).
Alright, enough talking, let's start installing google chrome on our lubuntu 16.04, to install chrome all you have to do is download the debian package (.deb) and then install the debian package.
Step by step how to install google chrome on lubuntu 16.04
That's it, that's how you install google chrome on lubuntu 16.04, if you have any questions please comment down below.
- go to google chrome download page and click on 'Download Chrome' button
- choose the 64 bit .deb (debian package) and click on 'Accept and Install' button
- choose open with 'gdebi-gtk' package installer.
- after the download finish, package installer will pop-up, click on 'Install Package'.
- it will install dependency package, just wait until it finish.
- done, you can start using google chrome, click on lubuntu start menu > Internet > Google Chrome.
If you prefer using the command line to install google chrome, you can do that! just download the google chrome debian package, save it on your computer and then open command line and run this command:
sudo apt-get install fonts-liberation
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
That's it, that's how you install google chrome on lubuntu 16.04, if you have any questions please comment down below.
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